CommendationThe Commendation Award gives international recognition to Society members for service to their chapter or council of chapters. |
HonorThe Honor Award recognizes people, usually nonmembers of the Society or lay members of the Society, for outstanding accomplishments compatible with the mission of the Society. |
MeritThe Merit Award is given in recognition of an outstanding activity, product, or service by a group, business firm, corporation, or organization that promotes the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources. |
Outstanding ServiceThe Outstanding Service Award is given to Society members in recognition of distinguished service in helping the Society to develop and carry out its program over a long and sustained period of time. Accomplishments of the nominee should not be of a scope or significance warranting the degree of Fellow, but should be greater than those required for the Commendation Award. |
President's LeadershipThe SWCS President's Leadership Award is given at the discretion of the SWCS President in recognition of exemplary assistance to the President in helping to carry out the goals and objectives of the Soil and Water Consevation Society. |
Williams ScholarshipThe Donald A. Williams Soil Conservation Scholarship provides financial assistance to members of SWCS who are currently employed but who wish to improve their technical or administrative competence in a conservation-related field through course work at an accredited college or through a program of special study. |
Cohee ScholarshipThe Melville H. Cohee Student Leader Conservation Scholarship provides financial assistance to members of the Soil and Water Conservation Society who are in their junior or senior year of full-time undergraduate study or are pursuing graduate level studies with a natural resource conservation orientation at properly accredited colleges or universities. |
FellowThe designation of Fellow is conferred on Society members who have performed exceptional service in advocating the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources. This award is given for professional excellence, first and foremost. Professional achievement may be in practicing, investigating, administering, or teaching soil and water conservation or closely related fields. |
HH BennettThe Hugh Hammond Bennett Award is the highest honor bestowed on an individual by the Society. It is given for distinguished service in recognition of national and international accomplishments in the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources. The service and accomplishments of the nominee shall have made major and widely recognized contributions to the conservation of natural resources on national and international levels. These accomplishments shall be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Society. The award may be given to members or nonmembers. |
2024 Winners:Peter Kleinman |
Grant ScholarshipThe Kenneth E. Grant Scholarship provides financial aid to members of SWCS for graduate-level research on a specific conservation topic that will extend the SWCS mission of fostering the science and the art of soil, water, and related natural resource management to achieve sustainability. SWCS actively promotes multi-disciplinary research. |
Scholl Excellence in ConservationThe Harold and Kay Scholl Excellence in Conservation Award recognizes and provides a yearly cash award to individuals who creatively and effectively provide technical assistance in conservation planning and plan application. Up to three (3) awards will be presented annually with cash awards ranging from $800 to $1200. The number and value of awards will depend on the annual income from the Scholl fund. |
Conservation Research AwardThe Conservation Research Award is conferred on SWCS Society members or teams of members whose research has led to exceptional improvements in soil conservation, water conservation, and/or related natural resources research. This award is given for research excellence first and foremost. The award may be given for research excellence or results of the research that have led to significant conservation improvements. |
Chapter Professional Development |
Chapter Achievement |
Outstanding Chapter |
Sustained ChapterThe Sustained Performance Award recognizes one chapter for continuing excellence and overall programming over a period of more than two years. |
President's Citation |
Berg Fellow |
Chair's Leadership AwardThe SWCS Chair’s Leadership Award is given at the discretion of the SWCS Chair in recognition of exemplary assistance in helping to carry out the goals and objectives of the Soil and Water Conservation Society. |